Data Driven Marketing
Why all startups need this product
Consider these 2 scenarios
One startup founded by Alice collects all sorts of customer data at scale. The types of link they click on. The IP address of its users, Even things like timezone, locale, language.
She uses machine learning to automate a lot of her marketing campaigns. These can include
In App Push Notifications
Messages from Telegram or Discord
X Paid Ads
Another startup founded by Bob is a crypto exchange. He likes to play things by gut feeling. When its a bull market, he does crazy marketing stunts, helicopters, Superbowl ads, and tries to hit a home run. The only problem...? Bob is ridiculously inconsistent. Over time, he loses accountability and each marketing dollar being spent does not result in more than a dollar back into the business. Ultimately his business folds.
You can imagine why its important to collect data on your users.
By understanding when users are most impressionable, you get their attention with your ad, they are focused on your offer, have time to think about your product. And may make a purchasing decision later.
But if you are like Bob, shooting from the hips, you're never going to get your customer's attention because you don't realize you are advertising or marketing to him at the worst possible time ever (when he is the most busiest).
Apply this logic not just to 2 customers but to 2 million customers. The companies that figure out Peformance Marketing
are the ones that take their companeis to over 100 million dollars in valuation.